Friday, August 12, 2011

Summit Brewing - Silver Anniversary Ale

Tonight I'm going to have a bottle of Summit's Silver Anniversary EPA.  This brew was recently released in celebration of 25 years of Summit craft brewing excellence - congratulations to the folks at Summit!  For this brew, Summit has taken their classic (and very popular) EPA and injected it with hop-steroids.  It's a bigger EPA, at 6.5% alcohol and 80 IBUs.  The hops used are Citra, Centennial, and Cascade...three of my personal favorites!

The brew is going into my tulip glass - color is darker orange-amber, very clear, with a beautiful white layer of fluff that recedes slowly.  The aroma is musty, herbal pine resin with some florals weaving in here and there.  Mandarins, grapefruits, and even some kiwi also show up in the nose.  The flavor begins with tons of pine cones, pine resin, pine bark....PINE!  Citrus zesty grapefruit comes in behind the pine, but just as a secondary player.  A touch of spices in the background, and a heavier amount give the beer a nice dryness that makes it very drinkable.  The finish leaves a lingering grassy, herbal note.

Overall Rating:  This was an EPA that packed a punch - essentially hopped up to IPA levels.  Crisp, refreshing, and very hoppy, I enjoyed it.  However I do think it was too much of a one-trick pony - a little to heavy on the pine and not enough malts or other hop characteristics to balance things out.  Not bad, definitely worth a try.  B-

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