Friday, August 26, 2011

Stone - Smoked Porter

Tonight I'm reviewing Stone's Smoked Porter.  While I have come across many smoked porters in the past I'm not quite sure what to expect from Stone's version.  Every since they have arrived in MN I have been intrigued by their creations.  Their beers, aside from the ones specifically designed to do so, tend not to fit into any specific style category.  Arrogant Bastard is a prime example.  Beer Advocate categorizes it as an American Strong Ale. I can go with that.  But it could also be placed within a strong, hoppy American Brown Ale or some other derivation of the style.  Bottom line - Stone likes to twist things around a bit.  It keeps me interested in trying their brews.

This smoked porter has been brewed by Stone since 1996.  It has garnered some high praise on Beer Advocate and RateBeer.  Stone's website attempts to make the case that this beer is one for those who may not like dark beers.  For some reason, I have trouble seeing a smoked porter as a gateway beer for anti-dark beer drinkers.  Maybe that's just me.  But I know people who love dark beers but wouldn't touch a smoked beer with a 10 foot pole.  Lets crack this bomber open and see if it lives up to the hype.

Stone's smokeified porter starts out like most others within the category - clear, deep brown with a soft tan foam.  The aromas are subtle but distinct.  A light smokiness mingles with a dark malt sweetness.  Nothing too bold here.  The flavors follow through with a clear smokey overtone throughout what is otherwise a basic porter.  Light chocolate and coffee notes on top of a smooth malty sweet base with barely a hint of bitterness.  A bit of alcohol sneaks it way through towards the end of the bottle.

Overall - Well, I guess Stone was right.  For a "gateway" beer to the dark side this would be a good candidate.  No flavor is too overpowering and the overall beer is very easy to drink.  I was a little disappointed, though, since I expected something more bold from Stone.  This could be seen as their beer for the masses which is fine with me.  But for a Stone beer, I wanted a little more.

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