Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Great Divide - Old Ruffian

Tonight's review is from Great Divide Brewing.  Dunz and I have reviewed a number of their brews in the past and have been impressed with their product.  Their line-up of Yeti stouts is vast and unique.  I cant think of any other brewery who takes a base stout and turns it into five separate brews.  We have reviewed their base Yeti and their Espresso Oak Aged Yeti and both were pretty darn tasty.

Old Ruffian, the barley wine I'll be enjoying tonight, is one of the products they pride themselves on.  It has won multiple medals over the years and has also been noted as the second best example of an American Barley Wine according to the Beer Judge Certification Program guidelines!  To me, that's a pretty high accomplishment.

Great Divides barley wine is a beautiful amber hue with a creamy tan foam lingering as a single slug in the middle of my pint.  Aromas of caramelized figs, sweet grapefruit and dense bread make a complex and inviting aroma.  As it warms these smells become more intense.  The body is smooth and creamy.  Caramelized bread and citrusy hops are at the forefront with a sweet maltiness and pungent bitterness balancing each other out.  The finish is rife with alcohol warmth as it tingles your tongue throughout each sip.

Overall - I failed to mention at the beginning that I have been holding onto this bottle for about nine months now.  I knew it would do well with some age on it and I wasn't wrong. The flavors are smooth and bold without being overwhelmed by an abusive alcoholic presence.  While it is noticeable in the finish its almost to be expected at 10.2 % ABV.  Old Ruffian is definitely an enjoyable barley wine.  I'm looking forward to their 2011 release and drinking down a bottle in the middle of a cold winter night. 

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