Monday, July 18, 2011

New Belgium - Trippel

Holy jumpin' Jesus balls its hot out today!  In MN our heat index is 111 degrees and the actual temperature is 97 last I checked.  The humidity index is somewhere in the 80s... if it weren't for my cars a/c I would have most likely turned into a melted, semi-congealed puddle during my commute home.  Its days like these where I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to swig down a cold craft beer at the end of the work day.

For our review this evening we are revisiting New Belgium Brewing.  Dunz and I have reviewed four of their other beers and have had mixed reviews thus far.  This brewery is most notably known for their Fat Tire Ale and 1554 Enlightened Black Ale.  Recently, within the past year or so, New Belgium released their Explorer series.  This series is a line-up of beer designed to take you across four completely different flavor profiles.  The other three within the series are the Ranger IPA, Morthership Wit and Abbey Ale.

New Belgium's Trippel is a very clear beer.  Side by side in a pint glass it could easily be mistaken for a slightly darker Pilsner.  However, the flavor profile couldn't be more different.  This 7.8% ABV Belgian brew starts off with a very floral aroma.  Lots of fruity esters with a hint of booze and lemongrass.  It certainly smells the part.  The flavors play right into the aroma with an additional malty sweetness and crisp mouthfeel.  The Belgian yeasty characteristics are present but not overdone.  A clean finish with a breath of soft alcohol finishes off the experience.

Overall - This is a good entry level brew for those who have yet to experience the wonderful world of Belgian beer.  The flavors are mild yet easy to discern.  Everything is clean and pleasant to drink.  A nice Belgian brew for beginners and aficionados alike!

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