Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dark Horse Brewing - Plead the 5th Imperial Stout

Tonight's brew comes to us from Dark Horse Brewing in Marshall, MI.  Plead the 5th Imperial Stout is the fifth in a series of 5 beers in their Holiday Stout Series.  This series is designed to "help ease you through the cold and grey midwestern winters."  Thank you Dark Horse, in MN we need help from decent brewing folks like you to make it through our winters.  Unfortunately, it's now late July and over the last week it's been 95-100 degrees with 80-90% humidity....absolutely steamy, not the environment this brew was intended for.  We can't ever catch a break here...it's either cold and snowing or hot and humid.  But I digress!

The ABV isn't listed on the bottle, but the google-brain says this is ~12% alcohol.  It's going into my snifter - a motor-oil black color, no light gets through this one.  Leaves a full inch of dark tan head, some of the darkest foam I've ever seen on a stout.  Beautiful looking brew.  The aroma is big on alcohol, cocoa syrup, dark-roast coffee beans, a touch of candied dark fruits come through.  It looks and smells rich, and the flavor does not disappoint!  Big, rich, thick chocolate malts start off, with plenty of sweet dark chocolate mixed in with roasted malts.  Coffee isn't much of a player, instead there is more hot alcohol presence, along with a big chewy mouthful of sweet candied plums.  I'm also noticing tobacco and charred oak.  A touch of vanilla also comes through in brief spurts.  Full, thick, chewy body complimented by an appropriately low level of carbonation.

Overall Rating:  This turned out to be a much bigger, chewier, more complex brew than I expected.  I really enjoyed it from start to finish - a truly great RIS that would be a phenomenal sipper in front of a winter fire.  Dark Horse continues to impress with their creative and complex brews - they are quickly moving up my ladder, approaching fanboy status...  It's out of season, but if you can find this brew, jump on it!!  A

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