Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dark Horse Brewing - Double Crooked Tree IPA

Tonight we're going off the beaten path with Dark Horse Brewing based in Marshall, MI.  We've reviewed a couple of their full timers like the Amber Ale and the Crooked Tree IPA, but tonight I'm going to be drinking their Double Crooked Tree IPA.  This is an interesting approach to the Imperial IPA genre - Dark Horse has taken the recipe for the regular Crooked Tree, and doubled all of the ingredients except the water.  It will be a sipper, at 12% alcohol (yes, they doubled that too).  Won't be driving anywhere after this brew!

Let's talk about this label.  For the first time in the history of my Dark Horse experience, the label is on straight, unripped, and clean.  It doesn't look like it was applied by a 5 year old - they're making progress!  The picture on the front depicts an angry looking old-man-tree.  Almost reminds me of the Ents from Lord of the Rings.  There is some odd chinese-like writing behind the beer name, and on the side of the label reminds us that this is 98 IBUs, and also states that it "Ages Well". 

The beer builds a huge light tan foam after a tough pour, with sticky lacing left behind after a minute or two.  The color is a dark, cloudy reddish brownish.  It definitely looks as big as it sounds on paper...  And WOW, smells big too.  Musty, pungent blend of alcohol, pine resin, and tropical juices chilling in the background.  Also a hint of bubblegum in there.  After the first sip, first thing that comes to mind is the thick, heavy body of the beer.  Syrupy, creamy delivery.  The forward flavors are chewy caramel malts, sweet pie crust crumble.  Those malt flavors enjoy a brief spotlight, then give way to a rolling tsunami of hop flavors - some pine, but primarily tropical juices made up of mango, some ripe peach, and a little oak/vanilla woodiness sneaks in with it.  The bitterness is never biting, the juiciness just rolls softly through the palate.  The alcohol warms me up but doesn't play much part in the flavor profile. 

Overall Rating:  Great brew from Dark Horse!  Ridiculously complex but very well-balanced, so much so I find it hard to believe the 12% alcohol is actually there.  I consider this a must-drink, especially for you hop-zombies out there.  A 


  1. Great review. Thanks for the information. I will definitely be looking for this.

  2. Matt- Glad you enjoyed the review! This was one of my favorite brews of the summer. Unfortunately this is a limited release seasonal, so we'll probably have to wait 'til February to enjoy it again.
