Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tyranena - Scurvy IPA

Tonight I'm going to crack open this scurvy brew from Tyranena - this is their Scurvy IPA.  This is one of their seasonal brews that will supposedly blast my face with cannons of hop-thunder.  We'll see about that!!  This is available from May-June, and oh by the way, it's brewed with orange peels. 

The color is bright, clear golden with a full inch.5 of white foam.  The aroma brings forth that orange peel, along with grapefruit and a touch of sweet malt.  The drink starts off with a sharp bitter twaing of orange peel.  Moves from there to more of a piney, resiny flavor, continuing to be sharply bitter.  Behind that big bitterness is a bready malt, tad bit of toasted grains.  Prickly carbonation with an oily, slick mouthfeel.

Overall Rating:  The orange peels were nice, but something was missing with this one.  It was a little too chalky, and the bitterness was a bit too sharp.  An average IPA with a couple flaws, but certainly drinkable.  C+

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