Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tallgrass Brewing - Buffalo Sweat Stout

Tonight I'm going to drink this tall can of Buffalo Sweat stout from Tallgrass Brewing.  A couple months ago, I tried their IPA and it was decent, nothing special.  Steve's brother Kenny mentioned at that point that the Buffalo Sweat was a good one to try, so I'm pumped to finally taste it.  The beer is brewed with cream sugar, which according to Tallgrass, helps balance out the mega-super-copious amount of roasted barley used in the brewing process.  This just happens to be the brewers' favorite choice at Tallgrass.  It registers a mild 5%ABV and 20 IBUs.

This comes in a tall pint can with a huffing buffalo on the front.  The can states "Dangerously Dark.  Authentically Awesome.  Pour a Pint..."  The beer is a pitch-dark red brown with a strong inch+ of creamy tan head.  The aroma is unique - sweet roast sprinkled with brown sugar and strong notes of creamed coffee.  The flavor is also unique for the style.  It starts off with chocolate roasted grains, sweet and creamy at first.  Then comes a wave, Tsunami, of coffee.  So much coffee.  With that comes a mild bitterness that carries through to the finish.  The mouthfeel is disappointingly thin, and the carbonation is high.

Overall Rating:  This is a simple, straight-forward cream stout.  It accentuates a creamed coffee flavor that is unique, considering coffee wasn't a key ingredient in the brew.  Unfortunately it was a bit too thin, not enough backbone to carry this one home.  Regardless, an inexpensive session brew worth trying.  B-

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