Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Orval Trappist Ale

Tonight I'm going to be drinking Orval Trappist Ale - a Belgian Pale ale with plenty of history behind it.  The brewery, Brasserie d'Orval, is located in Luxembourg, Belgium.  This is one of the more modern breweries of the Trappist family, as it was "re" founded in 1931.  There is evidence indicating there has been a brewery in this area for many hundreds of years previous, but the brewery as we know it today was founded in 1931 as a means of employment for the lay-people of the surrounding area.  Orval was among the first Trappist beers to be distributed nationally and internationally.  This brew is 6.2% ABV, and bottle conditioned, so a little age will only make it better.

The brew comes in a 11.2oz bottle, with a bottled-on date of 4/22/2010.  The beer is a slightly hazy orange-amber color with a massive white head that leaves hefty clumps behind as it recedes.  The aroma is complex - lots of things going on here, with flowers, clove/cinnamon spices.  Apples and yeast funk also come through.

The first taste is a complete assault on my senses.  Crisp, bubbly, intense on the palate - it gave me chills as it went down, too much to even notice any flavors!  Drink 2, 2nd wave of the frontal assault!   The first thing I notice once my taste buds acclimate to this Belgian warfront is a fresh lemongrass that offers a bitter punch.  Transitions from there to a big apple cider tartness, dry and musty.  The yeast funk permeates from start to finish, adding to the complexity of the profile.  The body is rich, and the carbonation is extra prickly.

Overall Rating:  This is a smooth, refreshing Belgian Ale that really hits the spot.  It's cool to think this is the same basic ale that was brewed and enjoyed hundreds of years ago.  Not quite as good as some other Trappist ales like Rochefort 10/8 and Chimay in my opinion, but phenomenal nonetheless.  

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