Saturday, June 18, 2011

Full Sail - Hop Pursuit Extra Pale Ale

Today we'll be pulling a brew out of Full Sail's Brewmaster Reserve 2011 Series - the Hop Pursuit Extra Pale Ale.  This brew is a celebration of the spring, brewed with fresh Cascade, Willamette, and Mt Hood hops, and dry-hopped for two weeks!  It won Gold in the 2010 World Beer Championships - yes, it's kind of a big deal.  It comes in a tidy 22oz bottle, which claims 6%ABV and 55 IBUs.

The beer is a darker, cloudy amber color.  Darker than most pale ales.  The aroma is an herbal citrus, combined with peaches and green grapes.  Also a hint of lemongrass in the background, fresh cut.  The flavor is the aroma incarnate - mild lemons, grassy/herbal, and a gritty caramel grain malt backbone.  A lot more bitter than I expected, but not too extreme.  The finish and aftertaste remind me of grapefruit rinds - zesty, fruity, and dry.  The body is medium, with a lighter carbonation that leads to a creamy mouthfeel.

Overall Rating:  This was a crisp, flavorful EPA.  A nice beer for a warm summer day, very drinkable.  At $5 for the bomber, I think this is worthwhile addition to the fridge! B+

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