Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Brau Brothers - Forgotten Flem Farmhouse Ale

Tonight I'll be trying this new Saison farmhouse ale from Brau Brothers.  This will be my first foray into this particular style - Saison has it's roots in Wallonia, the french-speaking part of Belgium.  This style was typically brewed at the end of the farmers' cool season, to be enjoyed during the warm summer months.  It was often brewed with spare ingredients from the farm - giving each batch a unique flavor and coining the 'farmhouse' name. 

This brew is 5.3% ABV and 51 IBUs, and the primary hop used is Willamette.  It's bottle conditioned, and if I'm reading their website correctly, Brau uses champagne-yeast in the secondary fermentation process to add complexity to the brew.  The beer is a lighter amber color with a big-time white head that stays frothy without ever receding.  LOTS going on in the aroma - funky belgian yeast up front, with fresh pears, wheat-grass, and lemons behind it. 

The taste is a roller coaster....very strange.....needs some reflection.  After a couple more drinks, I've pinpointed a couple flavors - things start off with a dry, tarty, spicy bite.  A brief hint of fruits comes next, with those pears and some sour apples.  Then another blast of spices comes through, really harsh this time, and bitter.  The finish leaves a lingering, astringent bitterness - not a happy taste.  

Overall Rating:  This beer smelled great, but didn't taste very good.  It was a dry, harshly bitter, sour beer without enough malt balance.  Sorry folks, didn't dig this one!

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