Sunday, May 29, 2011

Newcastle... A Recurring Disappointment

Ok, so its not a full review tonight.  But I did want to reiterate my feelings towards Newcastle's brown ale.  Typically, I drink this about twice a year.  Why you ask?  Well my memory tends to reset semiannually.  And because of this, when I enter into a drinking establishment with a craving for a brown ale, I more often than not see Newcastle's big yellow handle in the middle of the tap line up.  I think to myself "That sounds pretty good.  I havent had that for at least six months!"  So I get myself a pint, take a sip, and shout as loudly as I can within my mind "DAMNET! I did it again!"  My brother described it best... it tastes like its been sitting in the keg too long.  Its thin, slightly metallic, and doesnt have the nice robust malt characteristics a craft brown ale should have.

Hopefully I have learned my lesson this time.  Newcastle = NO!  At least if you are looking for a solid brown ale.  If you want something cheap with a slight, I mean very slight, malt backbone to it, pick up a sixer.  Otherwise, find some Big Sky Moose Drool or Samuel Smiths Nut Brown.  You absolutely cannot go wrong with either of the latter.

Happy Memorial Day weekend!  Pray and say thanks to all of our men and women in the service.  Thank you for protecting and serving our wonderful country.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Moose Drool = Consistantly awesome brown ale for a consistantly awesome price.
