Monday, April 4, 2011

Weyerbacher - Blithering Idiot

This evenings review is going to be quick and dirty.  As expected, today was a crazy work day.  After getting home I started a marathon study session for a little over three hours and powered through about 70 pages of information.  My brain hurts, my eyes are tired, and the Twins lost to the crap-ass Yankees.  The most logical next step for me is not sleep, its a delicious recovery beer.

Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot is a barley wine style ale clocking in at just over 11% ABV.  A few of these will certainly turn you into this brews namesake.  I decided to pour this into my Oktoberfest glass because it looked neglected amongst all of my other beer drinking apparatuses.  Just because its not full of Marzen style beer doesn't mean it cant get some lovin'!

A viscous looking pour yields a slightly cloudy amber colored brew within my beer stein.  A minimal off white head forms and recedes into the body.  A very prominent caramelized malt aroma mixes with figs and a mild hop smell to create a very pungent profile.  My first sip is surprisingly smooth with just enough carbonation to make the flavors pop off my tongue.  Some of those dark fruits are there but get lost in a bold malt profile and alcohol. After a bit of warming the alcohol becomes more pronounced and finishes this beer a bit hot and thin.

Overall 2.7/6.0 - I actually liked this beer the first time I had it.  These come in a four pack and I finished the other three off a long time ago.  I must have powered through them before they warmed because now that Im drinking it for a review Im noticing its flaws much more prominently.  Its not bad while its cold but there are better choices for an American barely wine on the market today.

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