Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Magic Hat - Blind Faith IPA

Tonight I'll be going on tour with Magic Hat's IPA on Tour series.  This installment is the summer edition - Blind Faith.  This is an English-influenced IPA that is brewed with english ale yeast and Apollo + Cascade hops.  Registering at 6.2%ABV and 60 IBUs, this looks like more of a hybrid english/american IPA on paper.

This beer comes in a 12oz bottle that I bought as a single - their label drew me in and caught my interest right away in a sea of singles, mainly because it was kind of mysterious.  We know it's an IPA....but we want to know more!

The beer is a clear, pure copper color with a half finger of white head that recedes quickly.  Nose is sweet and malty, with a mild hop background that is lightly fruity, soft citrus hints.  Taste starts off lightly hoppy with some grapefruits and pineapple, followed quickly by a buttery bready malts.  This beer is more malt-forward than I expected.  Also was expecting more of the subdued english hop flavors, but what I got was more of an american hop profile.  Medium body with a lower carbonation that gives it a smooth mouthfeel.

Overall Rating:  This was a light, malty IPA that was drinkable, but didn't stand out in any way.  I won't go out of my way to find more, but it's worth a try if you can find a bottle - limited release so if you want it, go pick one up soon. 

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