Friday, April 22, 2011

21st Amendment - Bitter American

Well today is another dreary and cold day in Minnesota.  We were teased with spring last week when we had temperatures in the 50s and 60s.  Now, its 40, rainy and overcast and I dont want to do a damn thing right now.  Sitting on the couch and watching a baseball game where its warm and people are wearing sunglasses makes me want to do nothing even more.  When I do nothing, its generally with a beer in my hand.  And todays brew is a spring seasonal from 21st Amendment Brewery out in California.  Am I the only one who cant say California without thinking of Schwarzenegger?

Bitter American comes in a can with a space monkey floating around in space.  Its typically not the first thing I think of when Im looking for a good brew but it caught my attention none the less.  From this six packs packaging, "If you'd been rocketed into space against your will, you might be a little bitter too".  Well I guess that explains that!  They go on to say how this beer is their "long-overdue tribute to unsung, unwitting heroes everywhere".  I can get on board with that.  I raise this pint to you garbage men, sewage technicians and road construction workers everywhere who dispose of my trash, keep my house flowing and allowing me to get to and from work without blowing out a tire in a giant pot hole.  Well... that last ones a bit iffy.... Cheers!

A brilliantly clear and vibrant straw-sunburst color fills my glass and tops off with a lasting white head of foam.  Citrus and malty aromas fill the empty space at the top of my mug.  Grapefruit, orange peel, biscuit and hints of caramel comprise a decidedly floral aroma.  The flavor is very crisp and clean.  More malt forward than the aroma but the bitterness catches up quickly towards the finish.  Subtly sweet malt mix with a slight fruitiness from the yeast used to ferment this seasonal session brew.  Dry, bitter and crisp round out the final flavors as I finish each sip.  Medium carbonation and no alcohol warmth either.

Overall - A very enjoyable session beer for a hop head.  At 4.4% ABV I could put back a few of these and still feel like going back for another.  Nice to drink and easy on the eyes.  Search high and low for a six pack of Bitter American this spring.  Since its a seasonal it wont be around for long!

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