Friday, March 4, 2011

Left Hand - 400 Pound Monkey English IPA

This evening I am going with an English IPA from Left Hand Brewing Company in Longmont, CO.  Awesome name, and even better label design!  The label shows an 8 armed monkey (10 if you count the legs), with little army monkeys around him holding hops and barley.  This was bottled on 9/1/10.

The beer pours a clear light orange color with a thin layer of head that forms slowly and recedes quickly.  Faint grapefruits and toffee malts in the nose.  The flavor starts out with an interesting pine/lime combo - very hop forward to start but not overly bitter.  A burnt sweet banana bread, and biscuits, make up a malty backbone that reminds me of an ESB, it goes nicely with the initial hop flavors.  The finish is a 50/50 combo of the hop/malt flavors, keeping things simple and complementary.  The carbonation is just right, and the texture is creamy throughout.

Overall Rating:  (4.5 out of 6.0)  This beer was a simple showcase of the English IPA style.  No noticeable off-flavors, and it was an easy-drinker that went down smooth from start to finish.  If you like the style, give this Left Hand brew a try.

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