Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Left Hand Fade to Black

Tonight the beer I'll be drinking comes from Left Hand Brewing, their 2nd limited release in the Fade to Black series.  This is a smoked baltic porter, running a hearty 7.8%ABV and 35 IBUs.  The key ingredient is Smoked Munich, which is a malt smoked with Hackberry wood. 

The label design is eye-catching, with a black and white theme and flowing lines that look like flames.  Pouring into my snifter, this pours black-brown with a thin layer of dark tan head.  The smell is full of smoke and wood, as well as roasted chocolate malts.  Also a hint of licorice in there.

The drink brings a blast of smoke and cedar wood.  The smokiness persists from beginning to end, but in the middle there is a bit of coffee and some sweet cocoa.  The finish is warm with alcohol, which is a nice compliment to the smoke flavors.  The texture is smooth and creamy, and the carbonation is on the light side.

Overall Rating:  (4.8 out of 6.0)  This beer really showcases smoked flavors and definitely stands out in the world of porters.  Terrific beer for a cold winter night.  This one is a limited release, so get it while you can.

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