Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sierra Nevada - 30th Anniversary Grand Cru

Tonight is a night where I have absolutely no intention of reviewing a beer.  Let me tell you my timeline for today... this morning I woke up with a mild hangover from the evening before.  Nothing crazy, but debilitating none the less.  At around 10 am I got wood... not that kind of wood you sick bastard!  A farmer that Dunz recommended to me harvests fire wood for the winter so I bought some and stuck it in my garage.  Throughout the afternoon I watched the Tutors, excellent showtime series and DVD package I must say.  Then after a few episodes I decided to mount my TV... again, sick bastards, stop it with your negativity!  It took a solid two hours to stick this thing to the wall.  After it was completed I watched the Steelers have their way with the Ravens... GO STEELERS!  Then I went out to the bar and drank a few while the Packers dismantled the Falcons.

So, with that said, I normally review beers in advance for times like these.  Although, this specific time I didnt do any editing to add more information to the post.  So what you experience going forward will be my raw tasting notes of this beer.  Nothing has been added or changed from the time I tasted this beer last weekend.  So here you go... this is how I initially review beers...

Deep amber color, lingering off tan head.  Very aromatic - hoppy, zesty, piney, slight alcohol smell apparent.  There is a little malt in there but the hops are front stage.  My first sip is full of hops but the malt body backs them up and helps to balance everything out.  A nice chewy body reminds me of the bigfoot and a very slight hint of oak shows up in the bitter finish.  I can pick out a piece of each of the three beers blended to make this piece of hop heaven.  The oak aged bigfoot shows up in the bold body and mild oak finish.  The celebration ales fresh hopped aroma and color mesh nicely with the pale ales strong bitter finish.

Overall 5.8/6.0 - Very, very little wrong with this beer.  The only thing I could pick out was the hint of alcohol in the nose.  But Im not even sure you can consider that a flaw at 9.2% ABV.  This bottle is dangerously drinkable but one that would be good to age.  Thats why I bought two!  Im almost positive that when I revisit this brew next year it will be a resoundingly perfect beer.  Cheers to the 30th anniversary of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.!

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