Thursday, January 6, 2011

North Coast Brewing - Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout

Anyone who likes Russian Imperial Stouts will probably know about this beer.  In fact, when I first started drinking beer in college, I told a friend of mine that I liked stouts, and this was the first beer that he recommended.  It's won lots of awards and praise from beer critics around the world.  It's vitals are listed as 9% ABV, 75 IBUs, and Black color (duh).  The label says "Brewed in the tradition of the 18th century English brewers who supplied the Russian Court of Catherine the Great, Old Rasputin develops a cult following wherever it goes.  It's a rich, intense brew with big, complex flavors and a warming finish."  I've had this a couple times in the past, but it's probably been around two years since so I'm looking forward to having it again.

This beer is a black hole.  Pitch black.  There's a couple inches of dark tan head, and the nose is wafting out of the brew.  The moment I began pouring I could smell it, DESPITE my nasty-ass cold that I am still fighting (snot everywhere).  The nose is filled with dark fruits, mainly plum/raisin, along with chocolate/coffee roasted malts.  There is also a vanilla cream scent in there.  I'm drinking this at about 55-60 degrees - I've drank this too cold in the past and learned my lesson.  This beer is better warmer than too cold (too cold = masked flavor). 

The drink is intense.  Extremely rich coffee and chocolate both dominate the show, but there is also some vanilla present in the malt backbone.  It's hard to find anything else.....this is one roasty, toasty brew!  The finish is nice and dry, which really adds to the drinkability, considering this is a heavy-duty RIS.

The texture is thick and full-bodied, with relatively low carbonation.  Despite the thickness, it doesn't fill me up like I would expect.  Scary. 

Overall Rating (5.7 out of 6.0)  For me, this beer is pretty close to a perfect Russian Imperial Stout.  It's not 'innovative' or a 'creative take' on the style, it's just a really really good stout.  If you haven't tried it yet, I encourage you to go fork up the $ (can't remember how much, but it's expensive) and give it a try.  You won't be disappointed.

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