Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eel River Brewing Climax Noel Belgian Imperial Red

I picked up this 22 oz bottle randomly about a week ago - it's a Belgian Imperial Red Ale that caught my eye.  The bottle notes that Eel River is America's 1st certified organic brewery.  I wonder what that means?  The barley and hops used are grown naturally without pesticides??  Makes no difference to me as long as the beer tastes good!

I'm pouring the beer into my new ale goblet - it pours a hazy amber with a mega-blast of head that holds very strong, and with sticky lacing at each level of the glass.  The nose is extremely fruity with cherries, along with spices....I can definitely smell the belgian yeast in there.

First drink took me by surprise - there is a wave of bitter dark fruits that hit me immediately - raisins and cherries and sour grapes.  There is also some malty sweetness alongside the fruity sweetness.  No hops are present at all, there is a slightly grassy flavor that may be hop-related, but sweetness reigns supreme.  After the sweet-train, there is a strange metallic flavor that is pretty unpleasant - a 'tin can' flavor.  The texture of the beer is deceiving...it looks heavy and thick, but in reality this beer is relatively thin-bodied and watery. 

Overall Rating (2.5 out of 6.0):  I'm not sure if Eel River intended this beer to be an Imperial Red ale, or a Belgian Dubbel.  I definitely felt it was more of a dubbel, and not a very good one.  It was thin and watered-down, and that metallic flavor singed my tongue.  I just wasn't a big fan of this beer.

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